The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want (Psalm 23:1 NIV).
Can we hope for a better shepherd? No. Because the Lord is the best of all. Why is He qualified to be our shepherd? It is because He is our Creator.
He is the one who laid down His life for His flock. And He knows and calls each of His flock by name.
He cares for His flock. He is sensitive to their each need. He protects them from wild animals and from thieves who climb secretly into the fold. They enter through some other way than the gate to “steal and kill and destroy.”
He gently leads His flock. He finds green pastures for them to feed and still waters to quench their thirst. In times of rest He gives them His sweet fellowship and company. And the sheep find safety in His presence.
The sheep are never in need. All their needs are immediately understood by this Great shepherd and are taken care of from the bounteous supply from the royal throne.
The sheep never lose their way. Because He himself leads them out clearing the path in front of them. The sheep quietly follow Him because the shepherd has earned their trust.
Whenever a sheep is wounded, the shepherd takes it in His arms and applies His healing balm and tenderly cares for it.
And when a sheep strays from the flock, He goes in search and brings it back by carrying it on His powerful shoulders. And there is much rejoicing.
Happy is the man who can say of his God that He is MY Shepherd. There is no greater possession than this!
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