And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6b NIV).
The world craves for peace. To achieve it they go to war. This is the tragedy of the world.
Brokenness seems to have invaded the world. Nothing fits together for long. Relationships get broken, treaties are broken, and man’s faith in God also is getting broken.
So in reality, when man longs for peace, he is hoping for what is broken to be made whole. This wholeness of mind, soul, spirit and body cannot be man-achieved. If it could have been achieved by man, the world would have been a better place long ago.
Though many philosophers have put forward theories they fail to address the real cause of brokenness. Therefore such philosophies fail to bring peace mainly because they make man search for peace without having defined or understood what destroys it in the first place.
Instead what they try to promote is a false sense of peace; a sense of calm of the mind. But that is a very narrow, self-defeating view of peace. It falls apart when tested by outside forces which might come to play later in life.
It is in such a context that you are called to look at this Prince of Peace, Jesus. In Him is your peace. This is because the primary cause of man’s lack of peace is sin. Since man was created by God to live in fellowship with Him; anything that comes in between man and God brings lack of peace with it.
Sin has that ability to break, to tear down, to mutilate, to mar, to destroy, to stain, to erect barriers in the relationship between man and God. The Bible clearly says two things about it. One, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Two, the wages of sin is death (see Romans 3:23 and 6:23). But through His death on the cross and His precious blood which was shed Jesus makes peace between God and men.
In other words, God and man are reconciled in Jesus and His death on the cross (see Colossians 1:20, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 21). To one who accepts Him, peace is given (see Romans 5:1).
And that peace is something beyond human understanding. The world cannot give it. But Jesus can give peace because His body was broken to heal the brokenness of the world.
The Bible says, “the punishment that brought us peace was upon him” (see Isaiah 53:4, 5). So Jesus gives peace; but not as the world gives. It holds true even in the presence of trouble. In Him is your peace (see John 14:27; 16:33)!
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