
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14 NIV).

The eternal question is, “Whom will you trust?” Will you trust your own plans or will you accept the sign that God has given you. This unique sign is that “the virgin will be with child.”

God gave man such a sign to tell the world that He is the God of the impossible. Yes, with God all things are possible.

This child, the prophecy said, will be called Immanuel. It means “God with us.” When Jesus was born, this prophecy was fulfilled in Him. Yes, this Jesus is God with us.

A God who is near; and not far away. A God who participates in your life and is concerned about you.

A child who calls forth your worship. A king before whom you will bow down. And present gifts to. A God who is humble enough to be a child. Yes, He is God with us.

Immanuel is God’s own doing. Even today God is taking the initiative to be born in your life. Do you have room for Him? The fact is that even today many do not want this sign. Why? Because you cannot remain indifferent to it.

You need to trust in Him. Or else choose to go about trusting your own methods. Such choices never end; instead it confronts you every day.

Every moment in life that calls for trust in God revolves around this sign–the child born of a virgin. Would you accept God’s plan for your life or trust your own?

Finally, God with us, is a significant moment in history. Yes, God acts in human history. In spite of all the darkness that is in the world, God sent hope to us in Jesus– the light of the world!

Even today, your life needs this sign. And your heart needs to trust this sign. Can darkness remain when He comes? Will not God with us bring courage into your heart and drive out fear? Did He not come that He may ever remain with you; and then you remain with Him for ever?

The simple question again is: Will you trust this sign that God has given you; or will you trust your own plans?

In the original context of this prophecy, King Ahaz of Judah was asked to keep calm and not to be afraid (v.4). This was when two other kingdoms allied together to attack his kingdom. He was further told that, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all” (v.9b).

To a hesitant Ahaz, God Himself gave a sign. Yet, Ahaz was unwilling to trust God. What about you?

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