See What God Has Done!

There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel. It will now be said of Jacob and of Israel, “See what God has done!” (Numbers 23:23 NIV).

There is a special grace given to God’s children. And you need to know it. No sorcery or divination can work against you as long as you are under the protection of God (especially under the protection of the precious blood of Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary).

Remember that the one who uttered the above words was a man (Balaam) who came to put a curse on Israel; but was unable to do so because he found out that “The Lord their God is with them; the shout of the King is among them” (v.21b). If you too realize that then you can rest confident in God; no matter what threats are against you.

But do not think that your God is passive. He waits to act. And He acts when the time is ripe and right. If God brought you out of trouble (from Egypt), then He also knows how to lead you on.

But you need to know that when God protects you from sorcery and divination, you have to guard yourself against temptations that come to ruin you in other forms. The Israelites allowed the enemy to make inroads into their spiritual protection by indulging in sexual immorality later (see 25:1).

What you need to know is that the enemy is always alert to any opportunity to make you fall. So take care to stay in the safety zone of God’s protection always.

But the greater result of God being with you is a testimony that the world will say of you. They will say: “See what God has done!” You need to remember that when God delivers His people He does so in public view: “They marched out boldly in full view of all the Egyptians” (Numbers 33:3b NIV).

So too it will happen in your life when God does something for you. Others will acknowledge the work God has done in your life. The Psalmist too had this prayer: “Let them know that it is your hand, that you, O Lord, have done it” (Psalm (109:27 NIV).

May you too pray that God’s deliverance in your life will be a visible testimony to others. Let them say: “See what God [not you] has done!”

More Manna:

In Those Days the Lord Began to Reduce the Size

For I delight in Your Deliverance

The Place Where He Had Stood Before the Lord