Lead Me to the Rock that is Higher than I

From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61:2 NIV).

Have you called to God? If not, this is the time to do so. It is when you are overwhelmed by life’s troubles, doubts, and worries, that you need to call out to God.

Do not think that help is far away. No. God is near to you. Just a call away. When you feel the most away from Him, and the most burdened by life; that is the time your heart is faint and the appropriate time to call to Him; from the faraway ends of the earth. Do so now, without delay.

The prayer is to lead to a rock that is higher. It is because life’s troubles often bring along with it a downward pull. The rock that is higher can therefore give you a place of safety. It can give you staying power and allow you to escape from the downward pull.

The rock that is higher cannot be anyone other than God Himself. As the sight of a mighty rock can instill confidence, so also the rock that is higher shall give you tremendous confidence; and He shall be a strong tower.

The rock that is higher is also symbolic of ability that is above human strength. When the heart grows faint, human strength is at its weakest. Your best abilities will fail during those moments. It is then that the rock that is higher enables you to draw on God’s strength.

And it is available to you when you cry out to Him from the depths of your heart. This cry often comes out as a groan or a deep sight during times when the heart is faint. Cry out to God and enjoy the divine supply of ability and strength from the rock that is higher than you.

Finally, the rock that is higher offers you a view of your situation from a point of advantage. You get a look from higher ground. You’ll be given a divine insight into what you are going through.

From the rock higher than you, you see things through God’s eyes. Then the peace of God surrounds you as you come to know that God knows what is happening in your life. Maybe this is the best medicine for your heart when it grows faint.

More Manna:

Ebenezer, Thus Far Has the Lord Helped Us

Sin, Failing to Pray

Sun of Righteousness, Rise, Healing in Its Wings