You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God (Isaiah 62:3 NIV).
A great promise; originally referring to the future greatness of Zion. It refers to a definite change of status. God is going to exalt Jerusalem in the near future.
God is going to give her a new name and her desolations of all the years are going to come to an end.
Instead God will take great delight in her; her new status being that of a married person. And God will rejoice over her as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride!
You too rejoice for this promise is for you too. For long years you have been called a deserted one. You have nothing to show the world for all your labor.
But God is changing your status. He will no longer remain silent because you belong to Him. He is going to act now. He will make your righteousness shine out like the dawn.
And people will see that you have salvation in your God. Yes, they will see that like a blazing torch! It will shine brightly for you.
Now God is making you a crown of splendor in His hand. It is one of beauty. It is for His use. He will use it as a showpiece where the excellencies of His grace in your life shall shine forth. It will be perfect for it is in the hand of your God.
Royal power is bestowed on you for He is a King. There shall be great rejoicing for you’ll enjoy a privileged status of a married one with God. Oh, what a special joy it is to have God rejoice over you.
Therefore do away with disbelief. Even though this promise seems too good to be true; this is what God is going to do for you.
Yes, “You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” What more sign do you need than this crown and royal diadem as evidence of His acceptance of you?
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