A Cleft in the Rock

When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by (Exodus 33:22 NIV).

There is a cleft in the rock where God can hide you in. It is specially reserved for those who desire to see God’s glory.

Though it is not possible to see God face to face, He allows His choicest servants to see some glimpses of His glory. But for that He hides them in the cleft in the rock.

The New Testament speaks of you as hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). Was this rock symbolic of Christ? Possibly yes. In another context it says that “they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4b).

Therefore you can think and meditate on Christ as you think of the cleft in the rock. That is your hiding place (Psalm 32:7a). It is when you are hidden in Christ that you are given a glimpse into the goodness of the Lord.

From no other place will you have an insight into the mercy and compassion of God. The cleft in the rock is a sacred place for every true believer and for you.

Think of it in this way too. Moses made the request to see God’s glory. Though His face should not be seen; God still made the provision for Moses to have a glimpse of His glory. That is important: God Himself made the provision.

It teaches you that there is nothing you can do to make you worthy to see God. Only God can do that for you.

And that too only by hiding you in the cleft in the rock and shielding you from His glory which can consume you if you are not covered by His hand.

Are you enjoying the privilege of being hidden in the cleft in the rock? It is a sacred place to be!

Is God Your Hiding Place?

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