So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak (Genesis 32:24 NIV).
There are God-impact moments in the life of His children. These can happen anywhere, anytime; since God is not limited by circumstances. But if you desire to have a God-impact moment in your life, better get alone with God.
Many Christians of today get comfort from fellowships and meetings and from friends. These things are good and have their value in Christian life. But let not these become a substitute for meeting with God alone.
Jacob’s mind that night was filled with fear and distress for he was about to meet his brother Esau whom he had cheated twice. And he had prayed about it.
And as his mind was filled with thoughts about meeting Esau the next day, he met with God. In fact, his mind was now filled with this encounter with God. Instead of his fear, his mind was now filled with thoughts of God.
Maybe this is how God answers prayer when you are in fear and distress with thoughts of meeting men. Before the sun shall rise He shall meet with you and fill you with Himself!
But for this to happen you have to get alone with God. Everybody else have to be sent away from your presence.
God’s best moments with you come when you are alone. That is the time that God loves to have an encounter with you.
During those times your mind will be free from distractions. You will be fully focused on God.
Was Jacob’s encounter with God an answer to his earlier prayer, we don’t know. But if it was, definitely, God wanted him alone to have a life-changing encounter with him.
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