You will forget the shame of your youth (Isaiah 54:4b NIV).
The dark secrets of your youth are known to God. He also knows how much your heart grieves over your past mistakes.
He also knows the constant accusation you are enduring in your mind over those shameful moments of sin. His heart grieves too. For you are His child.
Isn’t it sad that you forget your relationship with Him? Remember that He accepted you forever when you first came to Him. He will not forsake you, nor will He leave you in your state of torment.
He has taken away the punishment of your sin when the Lamb of God bled to death. That was once and for all settled. No court in the world can reopen that case for it was shouted out: “It is finished.”
Yes, the payment has been made in full. You can no more pay one single coin as payment for your sins; for that bill was already paid.
Then there are other distressing events that haunt memories from the time of youth. Many are those who had humiliating and painful experiences inflicted on them by others.
These memories wound like broken pieces of glass piercing the heart from the inside. This cause many to cringe in shame every time they face situations that remind them of it.
Now God promises you that you will forget the shame of your youth. It might have seemed impossible to you to get over the haunting thoughts of the past, but it is God who promises you today.
He is even now wiping out the stains of the past from your mind. Do not hold on to the past of shameful memories.
God commands you not to be afraid and not to fear disgrace. He says that you will not suffer shame and you will not be humiliated anymore!
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