Treasures of Darkness, Riches Stored in Secret Places

I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name (Isaiah 45:3 NIV).

Anxious tomorrows can say goodbye when God makes this promise come true for you; for He is summoning you by name. If subjects of kings cannot but obey, what when God summons you by name?

Subjects might cringe in fear at the king’s summons, for they know not for what purpose they have been called for. But here God’s purpose is not to terrify, but to tell you that a special anointing from Him is now uniquely bestowed upon you.

This is to fulfill His magnificent purposes for His children through you. An example is King Cyrus, a Persian king, who was used by God to bring blessing to His people Israel.

So when God is about to use you in a mighty way as a blessing, He gives you this promise–the promise of treasures of darkness and riches stored in secret places. No matter what the channel God chooses to give it to you, remember that it is He, and no other who is giving it into your hands.

As you recognize His hands in the process, you will realize the magnitude of His favor resting on you. For He calls you by name. The Great King knows you so personally that He singles you out and calls you by name. That is privilege of a rare kind.

Finally, the substance of the promise is riches and treasures. They don’t need explanation. But the blessing is that none would have known where it was all hidden.

In fact, in God’s care and provision, He had kept all this for you for the very hour it would be released into your hands. The riches are only a sign that His favor is on you.

But the greater truth is that He summons you by name. For, you are very special to Him and the responsibility He has given you is so unique!

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Read All the Words — the Blessings and the Curses

The Lord Your God Will Himself Cross Over Ahead

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