The Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14 NIV).

There is nothing on earth that can be compared with the glory of the Lord. Yet without realizing this, the nations of the world, try to glory in what they have schemed to bring to pass.

Yet the glory of man’s greatest achievements will fade with the passing of time. The objects of his glory will fall into ruins or be discarded by succeeding generations. But the glory of the Lord endures for ever and ever.

This thought has to grip our hearts and minds. For we live in such a time when even the silliest of human achievements are crowned with glory. All this is because people do not have a knowledge of the glory of the Lord.

It is a glory of unfading beauty. It is a glory of unspeakable majesty. Let us strive to have a sure knowledge of this glory of the Lord. It shall keep our hearts focussed on eternal realities and not on the short-lived triumphs of human achievements.

Another fact of importance is that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth in its appointed time. It is compared to the waters covering the sea.

That means that this spread of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall be full and complete. There will not be any land where it shall not be known. In other words, no one can escape it for it shall totally encompass every area of this earth.

East or West, North or South, wherever you turn; you will be confronted with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.

In anticipation of that glorious day will you seek the knowledge of the glory of the Lord today? Will you desire that it will fully permeate your hearts and minds? Will you ask for it to totally engulf you as the waters cover the sea?

Without saying, it is the greatest privilege on earth given to man: To know God. Yes, you cannot imagine the vastness of the ocean but it can engulf you. That is knowing God!

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