My Help Comes from the Lord

I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1,2 NIV).

Where do our eyes look when we are in need of help? First of all it will look inside us. That is, we will try to look at ourselves. This is to see whether some kind of magic is possible with our own resources to meet the need.

Sometimes we are delighted that our own arms can save us; sometimes we are dejected that our means fall short of meeting the need.

Next we look to our sides. This is to see whether our friends or relatives are near us to give us help in time of our need. If we see any possibility we grab at it with great relief and enthusiasm. Sometimes their help may give us hope; sometimes it leaves us wishing for more.

But the Psalmist had no trouble identifying his source of help. He was a man not with the inner look or the sideways look; but he was a man with the upward look. He looked to the top of the rising hills and towards the dwelling places of God. He knew that such a look always brought help.

His conviction told him that the Maker of heaven and earth can always come with help to his aid at all times and in all manner needed. He looked upward and beyond the majesty of created hills to see the bounty of help available with the great Creator God.

Let us look upwards to see the hand of God and His might and His willingness to help. He is the true source of help. It is never-ending and never-lacking in means and methods. Anywhere, anytime, in any manner needed it is available for the man with the upward look!

More Manna:

The Lord Gave Them Rest on Every Side

My Presence Will Go with You, Give You Rest

A Bruised Reed, A Smoldering Wick

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