People Walking in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned (Isaiah 9:2 NIV).

This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus walked the shores of Galilee. But this great light continues to shine even today. The simple question is, “Have you seen this great light?” 

You cannot appreciate the loveliness and welcome relief of having light unless you’ve experienced darkness. If you are walking in darkness today, this prophecy brings hope to you.

When light shines in darkness, none fails to notice its brightness. None can remain unaffected by the illumination of this light. Unless, of course, someone chooses to ignore this light.

One can close his eyes to this great light and continue to be in darkness. Thus they deny themselves the opportunity to walk in the light. They also close their eyes to the possibility of joy that this light brings along with it.

So, “Have you seen this great light?” If not, open your eyes and see!

And this light had dawned for those living in darkness or in the land of the shadow of death. Shadows bring fear. It is filled with darkness. It cannot be touched but it follows you and stalks your every step.

But the greatest shadow of all is the shadow of death. It brings terror. When it envelopes the mind it creates a fearful anticipation of what lies ahead. But the shadow of death itself is put into the shadows by this great light. And this light has dawned for you.

The brilliance and sheer loveliness of this great light shall dispel all darkness in your mind. When the bridge shall be reached where the shadow of death shall try to open the gates of hell; it shall instead open into a bright glorious dawn where this great light continues to shine–for all those who have seen this great light!

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