Time for Paneled Houses?

Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin? (Haggai 1:4 NIV).

The Lord’s house was remaining in ruins. Nobody seemed to care about this situation. Then God Himself calls the attention of the people to this pathetic condition through the prophet.

God questions them about priorities. He tells the people that it is not right for the people to live in paneled houses in luxurious style when the house of God remained neglected and in ruins.

God also asks the people to give careful thought to their ways and pointed to the meager harvest and lack of food, drink, warmth and wages as a direct consequence of the neglect of the house of God.

Neglect of the house of God was bad enough. But worse was the condition when people took best care of themselves and their houses without caring for God’s business.

Therefore the people were dissatisfied in all things they undertook to do. Moreover God’s blessings were withdrawn from the people.

Let us take stock of our lives. Are we like the Israelites? Do we give first priority to our needs in life and give last priority to God’s business? Are blessings in our lives dried up because we have neglected God and His kingdom?

If at all we have neglected God and His kingdom, let us turn back to God. Let us start building for God’s kingdom. Let us not allow the work of God suffer due to our neglect. Let us give first priority to God’s cause and be blessed!

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For You Do Not Know Which Will Succeed

God, Who Shields My Head in the Day of Battle

Our Secret Sins