From the Mirrors of the Women

They made the bronze basin and its bronze stand from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 38:8 NIV).

The work of God’s tabernacle was going on. And in the articles needed for its service there was the need for a bronze basin for washing. It is specially noted in the Scriptures that it was made out of the mirrors of the women serving there.

Often we hear people say that they have got nothing to contribute to God. This often happens because they are looking to great missionaries of God and wonder how ever they could become one like them. Then seeing that it is not possible they get discouraged. They count themselves useless to God’s kingdom.

The above verse should make such people think again. There are needs where gold and other costly things are not needed. Here the need was for a bronze basin.

God needs the lesser things too for certain purposes. Those people who get discouraged and count themselves useless should look at the “bronze-needs” right at their doorstep, instead of dreaming of faraway lands where there service is not expected.

Along with this ability to see the immediate “bronze-needs” around them, it is also important to note what gave the women mentioned in this verse this ability to see the need. It is said that they served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

What exactly was the nature of service we do not know for sure. Yet we can learn from their attitude. They were those who served. It was this attitude of service that gave them eyes to see the “bronze-needs” and respond to it. You also can be so!

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