Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5,6 NIV).

To trust in the Lord with ALL your heart is the key to unlock God’s miracles on your behalf. Some people are willing to trust God partly and not fully. They have the wrong thinking that God is only able to take care of their needs in some areas of their lives and not in all areas. This is wrong.

Trust in God should include all aspects of our lives. Otherwise it cannot be called trust. Where trust is there, doubt cannot and will not exist. Where even a small portion of doubt remains, trust cannot be full and final.

Again, our understanding is at its very best limited. We are never certain of what is going to happen the next moment in our lives. Only God has the key to this knowledge. So it is quite logical to trust fully in the One who knows our future.

Not only does He know our future, but also He is more than willing to guide us along the right paths. Even then if we fail to acknowledge God in ALL our ways and lean on our understanding alone, it invites disaster.

Acknowledging God means to accept that God knows what is best for us. It means that we seek God’s guidance in all that we undertake to do. It means that we are ready to obey what He commands us to do with a willing and cheerful heart.

If we acknowledge God in ALL our ways, God will be glad to make ways for us that take us to our desired goals and destinations in life. Not only will God be with us, He will guide us every moment of our journeys.

What we thought to be rough and crooked He will make straight.

More Manna:

Blessed Are Those You Choose and Bring Near

Going to Open Your Graves and Bring You Up

Then the Lord Shut Him In

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