Be Confident in the Lord

Are you confident? If the answer is yes, the next question is on what are you basing your confidence? Some people put confidence in their family background, education or riches. All these are good but not good enough. As a believer in the Lord Jesus, you have better things to be confident about.

God loves you

The love of God for you is not a happy feeling. Instead it is practical. God sent his Son Jesus to this world because he loves you. The cross of Calvary where Jesus bled and died will always remind you that God’s love for you is real. Yes it was for you that he died.

God is with you

One name by which Jesus is introduced to us is Immanuel meaning God with us. You should always remember this truth that you are not left alone in this world. Even though the presence of God is not seen with your eyes, God is present with you. That should give you confidence. He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. Therefore Paul asked this question, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).

God has a plan for you

God spoke through prophet Jeremiah to the Israelites who were taken captive to Babylon in these words, “I know the plans I have for you (Jeremiah 29:11).” That truth should encourage you to know that you are not on earth by chance. You are here with a purpose. God has a plan for your life. Even when there are lot of negative things happening in your life, there will come a time when God will take you from the prison to the palace as it happened in the life of Joseph.

God has given you the Bible to be your guide

The instruction given to Joshua about success nearly 35 centuries ago is relevant to you and me today also. He was told to meditate on God’s word day and night and not turn away from it. He was asked to obey its instructions. He was told that if he obeyed God’s word he will be prosperous and successful (Joshua 1:7, 8). The Psalmist also has echoed this thought: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105).” So as you journey forward in life, you can be confident that God will guide you through his word especially when you make decisions.

God has sent his Spirit to be with you and in you

God’s message came to his people through prophet Haggai saying, “My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear (Haggai 2:5).” The Bible also tells that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit and he lives in you (1 Corinthians 6:19). By this, God’s presence is real in your life. The power of God is also available to you in all difficulties that you will face. The Spirit of God is known as your Helper. He will help you say no to temptations and live a godly life.

You can because God says you can

King David said, “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall” (Psalm 18:29). David had great victories because he did things with God’s help and he believed he can achieve with God’s help. Similar is the story of Paul. He went through great hardships for the gospel. Yet he was able to great things. What was the secret? The answer is found in Paul’s words, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). You too can conquer all difficulties in life and succeed. Be confident in the Lord that you can!

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