Old Testament Walk Through: Isaiah 49–66

The Servant of the Lord

Isaiah 49:1—7, 50:4—9, 52:13—53:12

Jesus Christ, the Messiah is described here as The Servant of the Lord. Jesus clearly exhibited servanthood during his life. John 13:1—7, Mark 10:42—45, and Philippians 2:6—8 make His servant attitude very clear.

Isaiah 49 opens with reference to God’s eternal plan of bringing Jesus to this world (v. 1). It speaks of His initial rejection and discouragement (v. 4; see also Hebrews 12:3) and His absolute trust in God. God’s purpose in sending Christ to this world was not only to bring Jacob (or Israel) back to Himself; but also to be a “light for the Gentiles” and to bring “salvation to the ends of the earth” (vv. 5, 6).

How thankful we must be; for this prophecy has found fulfilment in us—we’ve received this light and salvation through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! The honour of Jesus Christ after His resurrection and and in His coming rule is portrayed in v. 7 even though the passage primarily refers to the favour given to the freed exiles from Babylon by the kings of those times.

In Chapter 50, the sin of Israel is contrasted with the Servant’s Obedience. We need to understand that Jesus obeyed His Father to the utmost. He made His absolute obedience to His Father very clearly in His statements and by example. The ultimate expression of His obedience is found in His prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39b NIV).

Jesus’ statements, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me” (John 6:38 NIV), “just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love” (John 15:10b) and the comment in Hebrews, “Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered” (5:8 NIV) captures the spirit of obedience found in the Servant of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

The learning attitude of Jesus, waking up morning by morning with a listening ear to God; thus being given an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary is described in vv. 4 and 5 of Chapter 50. His suffering at the hands of soldiers at his trial is described in v. 6 and Jesus setting His face like flint as He moved toward the cross is described in v. 7. (see also Luke 9:51).

The Cross

Chapter 52:13 to 53 end talk about the suffering of Jesus and His glory afterwards. This is the Most Holy Place of Scripture; and we stand on holy ground. This passage can only apply only to one individual from all who ever lived on earth; and that person is none other than the Man, Jesus.

In contrast to popular opinion, the Word of God gives us the truth that Jesus had nothing supernatural about Him to attract men to Himself. “His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness” is a graphic yet restrained description about how terrible His suffering was while He was put to trial, mocked, beaten, spat upon, placed with a crown of thorns on His head and thereafter led to the cross. “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” also paints the truth most realistically.

But what was the attracting power? Nothing else but His death by shedding His blood for mankind. That Jesus made plain in John 3:14, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” and in John 12:32, “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” Jesus was truly, “a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering” and who “was despised and rejected by men” (Is. 53:3).

A quotation from A. T. Pierson, cited in the book “Christ in All the Scriptures” by A. M. Hodgkin:
The Cross the Centre: The 27 chapters of Part III [ch.40–­66] constitute one grand Messianic poem, subdivided into three books [ch. 40–­48; 49–­57; 58­-66]. Each book consists of three sections of three chapters each, nearly corresponding with the divisions of our English Bible. Chap. 53 (with the last verses of 52) is the middle chapter of the middle book of this great prophetic poem, the heart of the prophetic writings of the Old Testament. And the central verse of this central chapter enshrines the central truth of the Gospel:­

He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities:
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him;
And with His stripes we are healed.

Jesus Our Substitute

Nowhere in Scripture is the truth that “Someone died in my place” made more clear than in Isaiah 53:4—6. “He was pierced for OUR transgressions, He was crushed for OUR iniquities, the punishment that BROUGHT US peace was upon him” [emphasis added] make it plain. Again, we like sheep have gone astray; but God “laid on him the iniquity of US ALL” [emphasis added]. Also in v. 4, it says, “he took up OUR infirmities, and carried OUR sorrows” [emphasis added] and v. 5 we are shown that “by his wounds WE ARE healed.”

The truth is plain. It was for you and me that Jesus shed His precious blood on the cross. Peter wrote, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” [emphasis added] (1 Peter 3:18 NIV). And Paul wrote,
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor. 5:21 NIV).

Chapter 53 v. 7 talks about Jesus gentle like a lamb and silent, going to the slaughter which was an exact description of how he remained silent when people accused Him falsely at His trial. Jesus who lived a poor man, receiving a burial with the rich was prophesied in v. 9.

We are told that the crucifixion of Jesus did not happen by accident, but instead it was the Lord’s will (v. 10). Verse 11 talks about His resurrection (“he will see the light of life”) and how, many people will be justified (as if they had never sinned) from their sins through belief in Jesus Christ. The coming glory of Jesus is mentioned in verse 12 (see also Philippians 2:9—11).

Note: In Acts 8:26—40 we find Philip helping an Ethiopian Eunuch to understand that Jesus is the Messiah from the Scroll of Isaiah the prophet that he was reading at that time. When they met he was reading from the portion we now understand as Isaiah Chapter 53 (remember that the Scroll did not have chapter or verse divisions).

It is also important to note that Isaiah 53 contains not only the sufferings of Christ but also intimations of His glory. Peter said that the prophets were trying to understand the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow (see 1 Peter 1:10, 11).

Understanding the Context of Isaiah 40—66

Isaiah in the first part of the prophecy (1 to 35) was trying to tell the kingdom of Judah that God would deliver Jerusalem even though Assyrians were constantly trying to take it. In fact, they had taken all of Israel (the ten tribes to the north) into captivity. Through his prayers, Isaiah had played a major role in saving the city of Jerusalem during Hezekiah’s time (see Isaiah 37:36).

“But now, the Assyrian crisis past, Isaiah, having prophesied that Jerusalem would later fall to Babylon, 39:6—7, assumes that Babylon Captivity as an accomplished fact, and, in his mind’s eye, takes his stand with the captives. So clear were some of his visions that in them he speaks of the future as already past” ­­ — Halley’s Bible Handbook.

“This section of Isaiah has as its theme salvation. The Lord’s messenger brings comfort to God’s people. Judgement (1—39) cannot be eliminated from any writing that deals with salvation, but these chapters 40—66, deal with a God who is ready to save at all costs.

For Whom Was This Written?

Isaiah’s message was first of all for the people of Judah in captivity in Babylon. This captivity is the consequence of Isaiah part one, `judgement.’ But now Isaiah is given the fresh word, the word of salvation. The people in Babylon must not give up: God will come to them and they will be saved.

But of course these chapters are written for us, too. Babylon was a real city, but it frequently stands in the Bible as an illustration of Satan’s kingdom. The Jews were in captivity to sin, and so are we; they needed to be saved, and so do we. It was written for them. It was written for us.” ­­– The Bible in Outline, published by Scripture Union.

Israel’s Restoration (Isaiah 49:8—26)

God promised the captive people that in the time of His favour and in the day of salvation He would come to help them (v. 8) and their state of blessedness afterward is described (vv. 9—12). God is shown as compassionate and comforting His people (v. 13). The complaint of Zion (meaning the people of Jerusalem who lived in captivity) that God had forgotten them is addressed. The reply is a classic promise that has comforted all of us at one point or other in our Christian walk:

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me”
­­ (Isaiah 49:15, 16 NIV).

Jerusalem’s walls which were broken down would be remembered by God. So also our lives destroyed because of sin and judgement resulting, will be remembered and restored by God at the time of His favour.

The return of the exiles is portrayed in vv. 12 and 17—26. From Gentile nations, God has brought back the captives to Zion with the favour of kings that ruled those lands. Though Judah and Jerusalem became barren without people, the Lord will cause it to be filled with people again. He will cause His captive people to be delivered from those stronger than they (v. 25). Then the world will know that the LORD (Yahweh) is their Saviour, their Redeemer and the Mighty One of Jacob (v. 26).

Again this section gives us another promise we can hold dear:
“Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who hope in me will not be disappointed” (v. 23 b NIV) [emphasis added]. Read also Psalm 34:5 along with this: “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame” (NIV).

Trusting in One’s Own Light (Isaiah 50:10, 11)

Christians sometimes have to walk in darkness when troubles overtake them. Verse 10 is an encouragement to such. Those who fear God and “obeys the word of his servant” (obeys Jesus the Servant) while he walks in darkness during times of trouble is encouraged to “trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.”

Absence of light at times does not mean the absence of God; for like the Sun shining beyond the clouds, He is always there for us and with us. The clouds will part and the darkness will be removed and we will find the Son (sun) shining on us again. Why trust in the name of the Lord? For “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Prov. 18:10 NIV).

Verse 11 is a warning to those whose trust is not in God, but in their own righteousness. They are described as those “who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches” (i.e. those who try to create their own light instead of relying on God). They are threatened with torment by God. Such people,

“They place their happiness in their worldly possessions and enjoyments, and not in the favour of God. Creature­-comforts are as sparks, short­-lived and soon gone. They are ironically told to walk in the light of their fire. Those who make the world their comfort, and their own righteousness their confidence, will meet with bitterness in the end” ­­ — Matthew Henry’s Commentary.

Zion’s Salvation (Isaiah 51—52:12)

This portion is punctuated by urgent cries, “Listen” or “Hear” (51:1, 4, 7, 21; 52:8), and “Awake, awake!” (51:9, 17; 52:1).

God begins at their beginning from Abraham and Sarah. Abraham when he was called by God was but one, but God blessed him and made him many (51:2). God says that as that was a miracle of the past so also will the deliverance of Zion and her resulting glory which looks most improbable be the miracle of the future (51:3, 11). At that time “The law will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations” (51:4). This salvation that is now on the way (51;5) will last forever (51:6).

From 51:7 to 16 the focus of the prophecy is to encourage those who have “the law” in their hearts not to fear the “reproach of men or be terrified by their insults” (v. 7). The people pray to God to remember His miracles of old (51:9, 10). In reply, they are told that men who oppress them are but grass, but the Lord is their Maker. Therefore they are not to fear them and in turn forget their God. God still owned them as His people (vv. 12, 13, 16b).

God promises them that the tables will be reversed that those who tormented them (the Babylonians) will in turn be tormented (51:21—23). Zion will be delivered from captivity (52:2, 3). God Himself is predicting it (52:6). The feet of those who come to bring the news of the deliverance of the captives (which God had foretold would be brought to pass by King Cyrus in Isaiah 45) is described as, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, `Your God reigns!’ ” (52:7 NIV).

Such is the improbability of their deliverance after seventy years of captivity (see Jer. 25:11 and Daniel 9:2), that they are asked to understand it as proof that their God reigns! When God delivers His people from Babylon they will not leave in haste but will go in the confidence that God will go before them and also be their rear guard (52:12).

Zion’s Future Glory (Isaiah 54 and 60)

Chapter 54 is a grand chapter that follows the description of the suffering servant. It talks about what is accomplished for Jerusalem as result of the suffering of Jesus Christ. Though these promises mentioned here are specifically intended for the Jewish people; Christians draw comfort from its encouragement:

● Sing, for God has given you many children even though at one time your future seemed hopeless (v. 1).
● Enlarge the place of your tent and stretch your tent curtains wide . . . (v. 2).
● You will forget the shame of your youth (v. 4)
● For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back (v. 7).
● My unfailing love for you will not be shaken . . . says the Lord, who has compassion on you (v. 10)
● I will build you with stones of turquoise (v. 11)
● All your sons will be taught by the Lord (v. 13, see also John 6:45).
● No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you (v. 17).

Such are the most encouraging promises given here. Trusting in God, make it your own today.

Chapter 60 opens with the magnificent verse: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Matthew Henry comments: “This whole chapter is a part of God’s covenant with his church. The long continuance of the church, even to the utmost ages of time, was there promised, and here the large extent of the church, even to the utmost regions of the earth.

It is here promised:

1. That the church shall be enlightened, v. 1, 2
2. That it shall be enlarged, v. 3—8
3. That the new converts shall be greatly serviceable to the church, 9—13
4. That the church shall be in great honour among men v. 14
5. That it shall enjoy a profound peace and tranquillity, v. 17, 18
6. That, the members of it being all righteous, the glory and joy of it shall be everlasting, v. 19—22

Now this has some reference to the peaceful and prosperous condition which the Jews were in after their return to their own land; but it looks further, and was to have its full accomplishment in the kingdom of the Messiah, the enlargement of that kingdom by the bringing in of the Gentiles into it, and the spiritual blessings in heavenly things by Christ Jesus by which it should be enriched.”

The Great Invitation (Isaiah 55)

Our God is a God of Invitations. He welcomes people to come to Him. Jesus also gave invitations to His disciples, “Come, follow me,” and “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened” (Matthew 4:19; 11:28), “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink” (John 7:37). In Revelation we find the Spirit of God making the invitation, “Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come” (22:17).

“Isaiah Chapter 55 is the Servant invitation to all the world to enter his kingdom and share his blessings” ­­–  Halley’s Bible Handbook. It opens with the invitation, “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters” and it asks people not to spend their money on what is not bread and their labour on what does not satisfy.

The great call is given, “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (v. 6). Yes, there is a time when God may be found. That time is now dear friend. Do not delay. A time is coming when He may not be found. The grace of God which pardons freely if the wicked forsake his way and turn to the Lord is described (v. 7).

The great divide between God’s thought and man’s thoughts is shown here as much as the heavens are higher than the earth (vv. 8, 9). The power of God’s Word to create and refresh is shown in the image of the rain and the snow which waters the earth and causes yield to come. Similarly, it is written, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (v. 11).

This word of God, this gospel of Jesus Christ, will go into the ends of the earth and achieve the purpose for which it was sent. And the Church “will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed” (v. 13), for it is the bride of Christ and His body itself. The deliverance of the Jews from Babylonian captivity (v. 12) will be symbolic of these things yet to come.

Salvation for Others (Isaiah 56:1—8)

Eunuchs and foreigners who were forbidden to enter the Temple in Jerusalem are given a note of hope in this section. God promised, the eunuchs and foreigners who kept His Sabbaths and chose what pleased God, “joy in my house of prayer” and their offerings and sacrifices would be accepted on God’s altar.

Also it is declared that “my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Jesus quoted this (Matthew 21:13) when he cleared the temple. This prophecy is perhaps an early indication of the nature of the church that it will be a house of prayer where people of all nations are welcome. Peter understood it thus in Acts 10:34, 35.

Sins of Israel (Isaiah 56:9—59:21)

The watchmen of Israel are all blind, and they lack knowledge, mute dogs but with mighty appetites, shepherds seeking their own gain. The people did not consider the fact that the righteous were taken away to be spared from evil (57:1, 2). Their idol worship is described next and God issues a challenge, “Is it not because I have long been silent that you do not fear me? . . . When you cry out for help, let your collection of idols save you!” (57:11b, 13a NIV).

But God said that even though He lived in a high and holy place, He also dwelt “with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit.” God also said that He would not accuse forever nor would He always be angry. God promised to heal, guide and restore comfort to the repentant, thus “creating praise on the lips of the mourners in Israel.” But the wicked are described as the tossing sea which cannot rest. For them God declared there is no peace. (57:14—21).

Chapter 58 describes the wrong motives with which the people observed fasts. God asked the prophet to raise his voice like a trumpet to declare to the people their sins. When the people complained that God did not take notice of their humbling themselves, God replied that, “You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high” (v. 4b). God then told them that it is not an outward show of humility that He expected but practical religion of helping others in need and promoting justice (vv. 6, 7).

Then, God said, “Your light will break forth like the dawn,” and “Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I” (vv. 8, 9). If they did things right, then great promises as recorded in verses 11 and 12: “The Lord will guide you always,” “You will be like a well­-watered garden,” “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins,” etc. will come true for them and they will find their joy in the Lord (v. 14).

Chapter 59 begins by saying that “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear” (vv. 1, 2). A long list of the sins of the people is graphically recorded. Finally God saw that there was no justice and He was displeased.

He also saw that there was no one to intervene; “so his own arm worked salvation for him” (v. 15, 16). God promised to repay the enemies of Israel (v. 18). And then the arrival of the Redeemer (Jesus Christ) is promised (v. 20) and also the promise that the Spirit of God was to remain with those who repent of their sins and their descendants forever is made (v. 20, 21).

Zion’s Redeemer (Chapters 60, 61, 62)

“A Song of the Messianic Age, beginning at 59:20, picturing an era of World Evangelization, blending into the Eternal Glory of Heaven. Ch. 60 is one of the grandest chapters of the Bible.
Jesus quoted 61:1—3 as referring to himself, Lk. 4:18.

Zion’s `New Name,’ 62:2: it is repeated in 65:15 that God’s servants would be called by `Another Name.’ Up to the coming of Christ, God’s people were known as the `Jews,’ or `Hebrews.’ After that, they were called `Christians.’
`A Crown of Beauty,’ 62:3 that is what the Church is to God. Though the Visible Church has been corrupted at the hands of men, and has been anything but a `crown of beauty,’ yet it is true of the body of God’s faithful saints. Throughout eternity they will be God’s delight and joy, 3—5.” –­­ Halley’s Bible Handbook.

Beauty instead of ashes, Matthew Henry comments: “Here is an elegant paronomasia [a literary term] in the original: He will give them pheer—beauty, for epher—ashes; he will turn their sorrow into joy as quickly and easily as you can transport a letter; for he speaks, and it is done.”

Luke 4:18, 19 is known as the Nazareth Manifesto. It was a strong declaration of Jesus Himself as the Messiah the Jews were expecting and what He came to do and accomplish. After reading from the scroll of Isaiah, Jesus said, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21).

In Chapter 62 the intimations of Salvation arising out of Jerusalem is given. About Jerusalem, it is written that her righteousness will shine out like the dawn and her salvation like a blazing torch (v. 1) and the message to Jerusalem was, “See, your Saviour comes!” (v. 11).

Salvation in Sight
Isaiah 60:1—22 A Vision of the New Jerusalem
Isaiah 61:1—11 A Vision of Jubilee
Isaiah 62:1—12 A Vision of the Saviour
Isaiah 63:1—6 Salvation and Judgement
Taken from The Bible in Outline, published by Scripture Union

The Exiles’ Prayer (Chapters 63 and 64)

Except the first 6 verses of Ch. 63 the rest is a prayer of the exiles prophetically recorded. That means it is easy to understand this portion of prayer if we can stand in the shoes of the exiles in Babylon who had lost everything: their nation, the capital of Jerusalem, their pride the Temple, and their worship. What they had left was only memories.

“The mention of Edom in the first 6 verses might refer to all God’s enemies. “The blood­stained warrior, `treading down’ Edom in his wrath, `mighty to save’ Zion, is identical with Zion’s Redeemer of the preceding three chapters. The language seems to be the basis of the imagery of the Lord’s Coming in Revelation 19:11—16” –­­ Halley’s Bible Handbook.

In the prayer, mention is made of the kindnesses of the LORD (Yahweh) and all he good things that the Lord had done for them. Mention is made of how God became their Saviour. The “angel of his presence” (63:9) saved them can refer to none else than Jesus Christ.

The people’s rebellion against the Holy Spirit grieving Him is told; and it was God Himself who had set His Holy Spirit among them. They were led by the Spirit and was given rest by the Spirit of the Lord like cattle that go down to the plain (63:10, 11, 14).

But from remembrance of God’s goodness the prayer now changes its tone to ask, “Where is God now?” The complaints pour out, “Your tenderness and compassion are withheld from us (63:15),” “But now our enemies have trampled down your sanctuary (63:18),” and an urgent plea is made, “Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down (64:1),” to save them.

Their belief and hope is expressed thus, “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him” (64:4 NIV).

But they also acknowledge that they had become unclean in God’s sight and all their righteous act were like filthy rags before Him (64:5). They understood that God is their Father; He being the Potter and they being the clay (64:8). Then they plead with God saying, “Do not be angry beyond measure, O Lord; do no remember our sins forever. Oh, look upon us we pray, for we are all your people” (64:9 NIV).

The Humility of God
Isaiah 63:7—10 Reminiscence: what God was
Isaiah 63:11—64:12 Remonstrance: where is He now?
Isaiah 65:1—16 Response: I have always been here
Taken from The Bible in Outline, published by Scripture Union

The New Heavens and New Earth (Chapters 65, 66)

“These two chapters are God’s answer to the Exiles’ prayer of the previous two chapters. The prayer shall be answered. The faithful remnant shall be restored, 65:8—10. New nations shall be brought into the fold, 65:1; 66:8. All shall be called a New Name, 65:15. They shall inherit a New Heavens and a New Earth, 65:17, 66:22. The faithful and the disobedient shall be forever separated, Eternal Blessedness for one, Eternal Punishment for the other, 66:22—24.

Jesus himself endorsed these words, Mk. 9:48. Peter’s closing message to Christians was to keep their eyes on the New Heavens and New Earth, II Peter 3:10—14. The Bible reaches its final climax in a magnificent vision of the New Heavens and New Earth, Rev. 21, 22; which vision is an expansion of Isa. 66. No temple or sacrifice, it seems, will be needed in the new order, 66:1—4; Rev. 21:22” ­­ Halley’s Bible Handbook.

Since the last chapters of Isaiah record the prayer of the exiles and its answer from God, it is appropriate to end the study of Isaiah by appropriating one of God’s mighty promises on prayer:
“Before they call
I will answer;
while they are still speaking
I will hear.”
Isaiah 65:24 NIV

Isaiah 49:21 Who Bore Me these?
Isaiah 50:10 Let Him Who Walks in the Dark, Trust, Rely
Isaiah 51:7 Do Not Fear the Reproach of Men
Isaiah 53:4a,5,6c He Took Up Our Infirmities and Carried Our Sorrows
Isaiah 53:10 Yet It Was the Lord’s Will to Crush Him
Isaiah 54:4b You Will Forget the Shame of Your Youth
Isaiah 55:2 Why Spend Money on What Is Not Bread?
Isaiah 55:6 Seek the Lord While He May Be Found
Isaiah 55:7 God’s Mercy and Free Pardon
Isaiah 55:8,9 My Ways Are Higher Than Your Ways
Isaiah 55:10,11 My Word, Will Not Return to Me Empty
Isaiah 60:22 In Its Time I Will Do This Swiftly
Isaiah 62:3 You Will Be a Crown of Splendor in the Lord’s Hand
Isaiah 63:13b, 14a Did Not Stumble; Given Rest
Isaiah 64:4 God Acts for Those Who Wait
Isaiah 65:17 New Heavens and a New Earth
Isaiah 65:24 Before They Call I Will Answer
Isaiah 66:2b The One I Esteem; Who Trembles at My Word
Isaiah 66:9 Moment of Birth and Not Give Delivery?