I Wanna Go Home!

It is only when you get lost somewhere that you realize, “I simply wanna go home!”

The moment you realize you are lost is a starting point.

You can choose to give up everything as lost. Or, you can start redirecting your steps towards home. In your mind’s eye you can think of your tearful eyes as they see home from afar.

Will there be someone waiting; and anxiously waiting for you? Even after all the years you have wasted?

What if there is a welcome back celebration and party just because you came back!

“Yes, I wanna go home!”

The waiting arms eager to receive you is what love is all about. The kiss is of forgiveness. The joy is that of lost and found–of getting you back alive who all had thought was dead!

In the embrace you have found acceptance as a son as a daughter when your bare hope was just to be treated as a servant.

Home is heaven and heaven is home if you come back by that way of repentance to your Father’s home.

“Once away. Now near. I don’t wanna go away from home ever!”

This post is inspired by the story of the Prodigal Son Jesus told (Gospel of Luke Chapter 15 Bible).

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