“Where are you?”
This was God’s first question to man. It is recorded in Genesis 3:9 in the Bible. He is asking the same question to you today.
“Where are you?”
Are you hiding from God today? If so God desires you to come into the light (John 3:20; 1 John 1:7).
“Where are you?”
Are you running away from God today in disobedience to God’s commands? If so he is calling you back to obedience. He is ready to give you a second chance (Jonah 3:1).
“Where are you?”
Are you in a far country having wasted all your possessions, potential, and possibilities in wild living? If so God wants you to remember your heavenly Father’s love and care. And he is waiting in eager expectation. He is watching the road to see you return even from a distance (Luke 15:20). Come back my friend.
“Where are you?”
Are you sitting somewhere thinking that all your work and labour for God was wasted? Have you run away fearing the threats of some (1 Kings 19:4)? If so, know that God is not finished with you yet. He is also asking you, “What are you doing here (1 Kings 19:9, 13b)?” He still has work left for you to do. Do not allow discouragement to ruin all your brave and lone stand for God.
“Where are you?”
Are you experiencing a great revival in God’s work? If so tune your ear to listen to what the Spirit of God might try to say to you. Maybe he wants you to leave what are you doing right now to meet one individual who is thirsty for God (see Acts 8:26). Nobody will applaud you; even then will you go?
“Where are you?”
Life is full of worries and troubles; anxieties and struggles. In the midst of all this in the twinkling of an eye Jesus will come. Will you be left behind (Matthew 24:40, 41)? Are you so earthly minded that you have lost the heavenward look (Luke 21:34–36)?
“Where are you?”
Remember this question comes to you because God loves you. This question comes to you because you truly belong to him. Finally, this question comes to because he cares. Above all, this question comes to you to remind you that no one can snatch you out of his hand (John 10:28, 29)!