“Let there be light.” So God spoke and began his creative act at the beginning. Centuries passed and one night, when God’s chosen time came, the true light came to this world as a child born in a manger.
About this light a prophet had written, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” So when this light shone, darkness retreated; and fear of death, failure, rejection and being unloved among others was driven away.
People whom others did not accept came to him, and he welcomed them with arms wide open. For the light of the world, Jesus, came to restore to men and women their sense of worth; of being valued and belonging to the family of God.
This light shines with love and compassion in every human heart that is broken. Its radiance binds up the wounds and heals. It was for this that his body was broken and his blood flowed on a cross on Calvary’s hill.
Those were moments when darkness descended. Yet the light that no darkness could corrupt forced open the grave and annulled death for ever. In his life-giving light is found the hope of Christmas and its unending joy.