There is no failure in your life that stops God from loving you. All that you need to know God’s compassion is to seek him with all your heart. This is the core message that God gave his people who were thoroughly defeated, humiliated and plundered by their enemies.
Such disasters happened because God’s people did not listen to the warnings given to them by him through the prophets. Instead they disobeyed God and sinned against him. God had no other choice but to discipline them through punishment.
If you are going through bad times because of sin in your life, now is the time to seek God. Are you staying away from God because you think your sin is too big for God to forgive? That thought is because of your pride. Humble yourself before your loving God and come to him as you are with all your hurts and wounds. He will show you compassion.
Each new day dawns with a fresh outpouring of God’s compassion. This was the core message that came through Jeremiah the prophet: “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:, 22, 23). Yes, God’s compassion never fails. You can trust this word because God is great in his faithfulness. That means he always is true to what he has said.
You need to encourage yourself today with the thought of the newness of God’s compassions. It is able to meet your every need. Therefore the failures of yesterday need not pull you down. You can face today with the sure assurance that God will show his compassion to you.
Why waste your hours weeping thinking that all your life is a failure because of your secret sins. God knows all about it already. He knows the most wicked of thoughts that passed through your mind during your sinful act. But the message for today is that God’s compassions come to you new every morning.
Will you not accept it? There is still hope for your future. All the difficulties that surround you; God will compensate in a mighty act that he will do for you. All this he will do for you because his compassion for you is so great. He will not forget the love you have shown him sin spite of your failures in life.