What He Opens No One Can Shut

The strongest door in this world is the closed door of the grave. If anyone is dead, he does not come back. But we trust in the One who is risen from the dead; who has broken open that strong door. Therefore we need not doubt when He says: “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut” (Revelation 3:8 NIV).

Dear friend, are you in despair because doors are closed to you on every side? Does it seem that there is no more opportunity for you? Think again. The circumstances of your life are not controlled by any other force in heaven or on earth or in hell. Instead it is your God who is control of your life. He is the One on the throne of heaven. He reigns.

And “what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open” (Revelation 3:7 NIV).

Here are a few things you can do when all doors in life look closed.

#1 Turn your eyes away from the closed door and lift up your eyes to God.

#2 Praise Him for His goodness to you in the past and express your expectation that He is going to open an effective door for you soon.

#3 Prepare yourself while you wait. You can improve your skills, update your knowledge, or learn something new during your time of waiting.

#4 Know that God is always working behind the scenes for you. He is preparing the circumstances for your arrival into the scene. He is making people ready to obey His will in the matter concerning you.

#5 Be ready for your opportunity. It can come unexpectedly. But let it find you prepared. Who knows, God might exalt you overnight.

#6 Often God has kept doors closed so that you’ll have a greater sphere of influence and service for God’s glory. Be always conscious of the fact that God wants to make you a channel of blessing to others.

#7 Above all this, it is to demonstrate to an unbelieving world that He does not forsake His children who put their trust in Him that God keeps doors closed for you at the moment. This experience therefore is your chance to trust God fully.

So dear child of God, do not be discouraged. Do not give up the work that God has called you to do in life. He is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can handle. He will come to your rescue. He will open doors and lift up your head in honour. So be of good cheer! Take courage. And hope in the Lord. You will not be disappointed.

To read more on this topic: Closed Doors Are a Blessing