Moses–Hard Choices for Christ’s Sake

We live by choices. Everyday we make hundreds of them. Some of them like choosing what to eat are simple choices.

But there are certain choices that demand careful thought. Because these choices can affect the way we live, act and think.

They can determine the final outcome of our life. It can bring success and joy or defeat and shame. And for a Christian certain choices can mean loss of popularity and can lead to rejection.

In Focus
Look at Moses. He was a man who got a chance to grow up as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He lived in the palace while his own people were slaves in the land. But he when he had grown up, when he could make decisions on his own, refused to be known as a person of the royalty.

He chose mistreatment along with his people instead of the short-lived pleasures of sin at the palace. He counted disgrace for Christ’s sake as more valuable than the treasures of Egypt.


In this short signature we find some great lessons for our entire life. One of the main themes here is the conflict that a sincere Christian has to face in life. If you are someone who genuinely desires to follow Christ by modeling your life according to God’s Word you’ll find this signature on immense value.

There are times in life when you are saddened by the disapproval of friends and relatives when you earnestly seek to follow Christ. Most of your struggles will be over if you stop trying to please them along with pleasing God.

You need to refuse the popularity and acceptance that you are promised if you follow the crowd. You need to know the fact that the pleasures of sin are short-lived but the benefits of following Christ are eternal.

You also need to remember that disgrace suffered for Christ’s sake is never final for there is a sure reward for your Christ-choices!

Signature found at: Hebrews 11:23 to 28 NIV