We did not choose to have life. It was given to us. That tells us that life is a gift. The Giver is God Himself.
And since it was given it must have been given with a purpose. That means life has to be lived responsibly. It should not be wasted.
Instead you should think of how fearfully and wonderfully you have been made. Knowing that even from your mother’s womb you are known to God will help you have a sense of godly-purpose in life.
Though life is filled with trouble and sorrow, tears and pain, God has kept the joy of His presence in its midst. The labor on earth also ends some day. It is called death. And it makes us ask serious questions about life.
Two great secrets of life that has been given in the Bible are these: Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
And in Jesus Christ there is eternal life. Thus Christ lives in those who trust Him. It is no longer he who lives, but Christ in him.
In the words of John: “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”

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