The God of the Bible is a God of invitations. In the Old Testament we find God inviting those who are thirsty to come to the waters. The people are also asked to come buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
Again the invitation of Wisdom has also been recorded. She cries out to people to come and walk in the way of understanding and the fear of the Lord.
Coming to the New Testament, once early in His ministry when Jesus was asked, “Where are you staying?” He replied, “Come, and you will see.” In the New Testament again, you find Jesus giving a great invitation to all those who are weary and burdened to come to Him. He promised them rest.
The Bible says that blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb. And it closes with the picture of the Spirit and the bride saying, “Come!” It is an invitation, again to all those who are thirsty to come and take the free gift of the water of life.
So it is clear that our God is a God of invitations. In fact, He also responds to your invitation too. For Jesus has described Himself as standing at the door and knocking. If you open the door for Him, He will surely come in and eat with you.
But there is a note of warning too. Matthew recorded Jesus’ Parable of the Wedding Banquet. Many people were invited. But they paid no attention. So they were bypassed and others were invited. Even then they had to be present with wedding clothes on. It closes with the solemn warning: “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”