The Fullness of Grace

The Bible records, “From the fullness of his grace we have all received on blessing after another” (John 1:16 NIV).

But what is grace? In simple terms it is God showing His favor and mercy to man unconditionally. It is love that is shown when we do no deserve it.

Enabling Grace
The willingness and ability to live according to God’s laws comes to us from the fullness of grace that is in Jesus. In the past, favor was shown only to those who perfectly followed God’s laws. It was a law that depended on Do’s and Don’ts.

But in Jesus, favor was shown to those who did not deserve it. His grace gave sinners an opportunity to turn to God, have a new beginning in life, and become useful to Him. It is the fullness of grace in Jesus that enabled people to do what God wanted them to do. That means you no longer need to depend on your own strength to fulfill God’s requirements. Help is available in Jesus. In that sense the fullness of grace in Jesus is enabling grace. You need it this Christmas!

So, the grace of God enables you to do what God wants you to do. Thus it is enabling

Inexhaustible Grace
Again, the fullness of His grace is never going to be depleted. If it can be imagined as a big container full of water, you can think of it as always filled to the full and overflowing even when people are drinking from it all the time. Such a fullness! It is a fullness that was promised as a fountain that will be opened to cleanse from sin and impurity (Zechariah13:1). You need this fullness of grace this Christmas.

Imagine every need of yours. Imagine every area of life you struggle in. Imagine those strongholds of habitual sin that you never seem to win over. Imagine all the flaws of your character that makes you unpleasant. His fullness of grace shall meet all these needs and turn it around for good: : “My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Corinthians 12:9b NIV).

The grace of God also comes to you as a flowing cleansing fountain that shall never be depleted. It is inexhaustible. Drink deeply of this fountain of grace.


Saving Grace

The Bible also clearly says that we are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8a). That means we can do nothing to earn salvation. It is given to those who put their faith in Jesus. It is a gift.

Even after having been saved by grace, have you been thinking of earning God’s favor by the righteous deeds you do? Do not neglect doing good; but remember you are saved by His grace alone and not by any good thing you do. Therefore the fullness of His grace means that you and I cannot add anything more to it. So, this Christmas, accept the ability of His grace to completely save you.

Grace is something that God gives and gifts to you when you do not deserve it. You can add nothing more to the saving grace of God.


Blessing-An outflow of the fullness of His grace
Yes, the fullness of His grace is an enabling grace, inexhaustible grace and saving grace!

Therefore this Christmas think much on the fullness of God’s grace that comes to you through Jesus. It is through His grace alone that you receive blessing one after another. Therefore Jesus’ grace is a blessing grace. The blessing that you receive from God one after another is the expression of the fullness of His grace. Oh, may God grant that you be enabled to accept the fullness of His grace this Christmas!