Luke 2:7 NIV–“because there was no room for them in the inn.”
Has He any room today? We have Him in our hearts all right! But how much room does He have?
Airline and car companies talk about “space” in their advertisements. Why is this important? We don’t want to be crammed. We don’t want others to barge into our own private space. We don’t want it violated. If at all it is violated we feel suffocated, uncomfortable and even snap at others.
With this context in mind, think of how much room He has in our hearts? Is He crammed in? Is the larger space occupied by all the Christmas gifts we have received? Or is it houseful of those who are close to us?
We invited Him into our lives many years ago. He is there. Of this we are very sure. But we never thought of His comfort. We never thought of asking Him whether He is comfortable. Do we treat invited guests to our home this way? Ever?
Isn’t the situation very clear? We have no room for Him!
Let us be careful of our priorities. Let us also look at what the Bible says about those who have no room for Him: “In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God” (Psalm 10:4 NIV). We are no better than the wicked if we do not give room for God.
Here is another thought. Jesus said that in His Father’s house there are many rooms. He has now gone there to prepare a place for us. And when they are ready He will come to take us there (Ref. John 14:13 NIV). Jesus also said that with the measure that we use, it will be measured back to us (Ref. Luke 6:38). WHAT IF our rooms grow big according to the room we give Him in our hearts? If so, the less room He has in our hearts, the less glorious our rooms in heaven will be.
Or think on this: Why is He concerned with rooms for us in heaven? The answer is simple. There was no room in the inn when He was born on earth. He might have known the agony of His mother when she found herself in this situation. He wants to spare us the trouble in heaven! What a thoughtful God is He!
Let this Christmas be one of “room for Him”. Let it be said of us that He was born in our hearts because there was room in it for Him!