Jesus the King

One of the unmistakable thoughts of Christmas is that Jesus is King!

And the most disturbing of all questions that Christmas brings us is: “Who is our king anyway?”

Is our king the images we find in our mirrors everyday? Are we so much in love with our own selves? So much in love with ourselves that we exalt ourselves in our minds as kings and queens!

Is our king someone among our loved ones? Is it our wives or husbands, or parents or children, friends or relatives? Do we love them with such passion that we adore them in a way which trespasses on the honor and love that we should rightly reserve for God alone?

Is our king the jobs we hold? Is it that our lives are so meshed in our careers that we look at everything else in life through the revolving glass doors?

These questions beg an answer this Christmas. Because Jesus was born a king!

Does this news disturb you today? You needn’t be surprised for Herod and all Jerusalem was disturbed when they heard that a king was born!

Why be disturbed at all? Is there any reason? Of course, there is every reason to be worried. A king is born to reign. That practically means that we give up our rights to rule our own lives. The king decides what we become in life. He sets the agenda. He protects those who come under His wings. But no mercy is shown to those who rebel.

Now for those who want to run their own lives, the birth of a king is disturbing news indeed. It is doubly disturbing because we cannot fight Him because He is God Almighty.

Now what? Herod makes careful inquiries about the king. He makes plans to go and worship Him. But his heart is far from it. He wants to kill and destroy. He tries and fails.

Are we in this process today? Are we making plans to worship with secret thoughts to do away with this king? It cannot be done. His throne is one that is established in love and faithfulness (Ref. Isaiah 16:5 NIV). It will last forever: “Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7a NIV).

Therefore, let us worship His majesty this Christmas.