
God with us1

The glory from heaven came down. It inhabited a house of dust of which we are made. They called Him, “Immanuel!”

He came to be with us. He came to share in our humanity.

He came to take part with us in all our experiences–of joy and sorrow.

His coming then was a prelude to that day when God would make His dwelling with men (Revelation 21:3). Thus as we look back to Jesus who came down to earth to be with us we can also look forward to the coming day when God will dwell with us.

In the time that remains for us to reach that glorious day, we have the comfort of the thought that God wants to be with us. Though not physically present He is even now with us through the eternal Holy Spirit. Through bright sunshine or shifting clouds, through spring, summer, autumn or winter; through all seasons of life, He is with us.

What a blessed reality is this! Almighty God with us, frail mortals. His everlasting strength occupied a frame of dust once. He became like one of us to be with us: That we may be with Him forever.

Therefore, when the world walks out on us leaving us alone and forlorn, we can focus on one thought that He is with us. When we are hit by pangs of loneliness in the midst of a happily chirping crowd milling around us, think on “Immanuel.” Yes, He is with us.

O Immanuel!

1 The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”–which means, `God with us’ ” (Matthew 1:23 NIV).]