Now Your Impurity Is Lewdness

Now your impurity is lewdness (Ezekiel 24:13a NIV).

Lewdness is a common sin today. It is no longer frowned upon. Now lewdness is referring to sex in rude and offensive ways with an intention of exciting lust or sexual desire.

God spoke about this sin of the Israelites. And Jesus pointed out that what comes out of man is what makes him unclean. Lewdness, He said, also comes out from within men’s hearts.

In the case of the Israelites God lamented that they were not willing to be cleansed of their impurity even though He tried to cleanse them. So God planned to judge them according to their conduct and actions. This was because they had frustrated all His efforts to remove their impurities from them. Even extreme methods did not remove them.

Now this is a situation which one should think about. Where are you regarding the sin of lewdness? Now the problem is that nobody around you thinks of this as sin! And popular media like movies glorify lewd remarks.

It seems that the circumstances surrounding you all promote this sin. So it is tempting to go along with the crowd. But think for a moment. Jesus said that lewdness comes from within your heart; not from the outside.

That means that you have a responsibility before God. Paul wrote saying that there should be no obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking for God’s holy people. He also wrote, Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths.

This seems to be difficult in this modern world. But you can choose to be cleansed of this impurity by not participating in chats which is mixed with lewdness!

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