But the hair on his head began to grow again after it had been shaved (Judges 16:22 NIV).
Are you in the prison of defeat today? Has your life which began with great promise, now changed to one of darkness?
Was it your own neglect of walking closely with God responsible for the loss of strength in your life? Did you allow the idols of your heart and the love you had for them rob you of a Spirit-filled life?
If so, look at Samson. He was in such a miserable situation of his own creation. Yet look at God who showed him an abundance of grace. The hair which was the sign of his strength in God began to grow again after it had been shaved.
Dear child of God, take heart. Do not grieve over your loss. But seek your God. He will show you great grace. Though all seems lost; there is hope.
Look carefully at your life. Can’t you see the signs of God’s grace beginning to show itself again in your life. You cannot put a limit on God’s grace. It is still available to you.
The severity of your defeat need not prevent you from seeking God’s grace. Even when it seems that all chances for you to complete what God began in your life is gone; there still might be one final work for you to do. Who knows?
Samson was yet again used by God. It was a mighty rekindling of ashes into a huge blaze of fire in his life. Of course he prayed for it to happen thus. He pleaded with God for one last chance. But even that was possible only because the hair on his head began to grow again.
That is surely the sign of God’s grace. It operates even in the darkest moments of your life. In your defeat; are you aware that His grace is beginning to show itself again in your life?
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