The Sun Rose, He Was Limping

The sun rose above him as he passed Peniel, and he was limping because of his hip (Genesis 32:31 NIV).

The man who wrestled with God touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched. Therefore, after the encounter with God Jacob was limping. Yet that limp was an outward sign that God had touched his inward self.

God’s blessing does come after a struggle. It comes to those who have held on to God and did not let Him go. They held on even though the wrestling with God drew out the last ounce of strength left in them.

And some kind of sign accompanies such people, a “limp” that reminds them of the night of struggling with God.

The “limp” reminds the person that he can no more rely on his natural strength. But the “limp” is not a sign of weakness. Instead it is the reminder to him that he can now always draw on God’s inexhaustible strength.

The man without the “limp” is alone without God; but the man with the “limp” is alone; with God backing him up.

Finally, the “limp” bears the touch of God. What a privilege to have a “limp!” The pride that you wore like a necklace around your neck is now broken and the beads have rolled away.

The “limp” teaches you to walk with humility. It reminds you of the power of the touch of God.

So, do not complaint of the “limp” that God has given you:

Is it not a sign that God has singled you out to meet with you and bless you?
Is it not a constant reminder that God has blessed you?
Is it not the surety that God is with you as you walk forward?

See, the sun rises above you as the night passes. The “limp” remains. But the sun shines!

More Manna:

In Those Days the Lord Began to Reduce the Size

For I delight in Your Deliverance

The Place Where He Had Stood Before the Lord

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