A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies … Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10,30 NIV).
A wife of noble character. She is a young man’s dream. No scheming of his can bring him such a wife.
If he can place his dreams and expectations about his wife in God’s hands and wait in eager expectation, God will reward him with such a godly wife. There is no other method by which a young person may be gifted with a godly wife.
An young man has to first learn that such a wife’s worth is far more than rubies. The world may place a premium on a girl’s good looks, education, possessions, status and cultural heritage. These all may have their own value.
But they are nothing compared with being godly. There is a blessedness in desiring and having a godly wife. Indeed they are worth far more than all the riches the world can give. The noble qualities of such a wife cannot be valued at all.
If a young person seeks for a charming wife, he will get such a girl. If he seeks a beautiful wife he may be able to find such a girl. But as he does so he should remind himself that charm is deceptive. Behind her charm could hide a lot of charmless things that shall eat into the life of his marriage.
And he should remind himself that beauty does not last for all ages. It fades as years pass by. Then his wife shall be no more look attractive as once she did. But if she fears God, that increases her attractiveness as years grow by.
Therefore let every young man look for a godly wife who fears the Lord. And let every young woman make herself most attractive by fearing the Lord. Such a wife deserves praise!
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