The Lord Is Near to All Who Call

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them (Psalm 145:18,19 NIV).

Our calling on the Lord is never in vain. Though at times we never hear a response for a long time we can be sure that He is near, always. We need to learn to be aware of His nearness at all times.

We need to learn it because it does not happen automatically. We need to continually remind ourselves that the Word of God promises us that God will be near when we call on Him.

But there is a condition to enjoy the nearness of God. That condition is that we should call on God in truth. It means that we need to have the right motives in our hearts when we call on God.

Quite often we hide our real motives in our hearts and then speak something else with our lips to God. Many times we harbor poison in our hearts and try to speak our requests as sugar-coated pills before God.

When we do not have truth in our hearts and words, God cannot come near to us. Therefore always call on God in truth.

When we thus call on God in truth, God is very much delighted to fulfill our desires. We have to note that there are many desires in our hearts. But many of them are of such doubtful nature that we don’t dare to speak it before God; not even men.

Therefore we can safely say that only those desires that are pleasing in God’s eyes can we present before God. When we do so He hears our cry and He saves us. He does so for those who fear Him. This is important.

Fear here does not necessarily mean trembling in fear. But it does mean the we show proper respect for God because He is God. Therefore let us fear Him and at the same time call on Him in truth and see our desires fulfilled.

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New Heavens and a New Earth

The One I Esteem; Who Trembles at My Word

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