The Lord Is Close to the Brokenhearted


The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18 NIV).

Sorrows become intense and unbearable when you are alone and has none to share it with. It is indeed a miserable condition when you are brokenhearted and do not have someone near you to reach out to; a shoulder to lean on and cry. All are busy with their own things.

If you fail, if you are in sorrow, if you need help; then possibly you will find yourself alone. That crushes you more than your sorrows.

But allow not your tears to blind your eyes to the One standing so close to you. He stands unseen; but He is One who is “a man of sorrows, and familiar with sufferings.”

He was rejected.
He was crushed.
He was punished.
He was despised.
He also carried your sorrows.

Those very experiences make Him come swiftly to your side when you are brokenhearted for He has passed through it all. We cannot share your sorrow for we have not passed through the intensity of your agony; but He can because He has passed through it already. So He stands close; very near!

Realize His nearness to you. Just lean on His shoulders and cry your heart out. They are powerful; yet tender for they bore the cross. His hands shall bless your head with compassion and mercy; for they were pierced. He shall kiss you with a kiss of peace; for He knows the agony the kiss of betrayal.

Take heart! Your crushed spirit shall yet know the healing touch of His tenderness. He will not leave you in torment and doubt and despair. He will not leave you helpless. The Lord Himself shall help you and save you!

More Manna:

Have Mercy on Me, O God

Open Wide Your Mouth and I will Fill It

Who Bore Me These?