He Delivered Me from All My Fears

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears (Psalm 34:4 NIV).

We all easily fall prey to a lot of fears. They might have real causes. Sometimes it is our imagination that gives them color and life. Anyway, they grow if they are left unchecked. Soon they assume huge proportions.

Then we become really frightened. We become inactive. Soon we lose all initiative. We withdraw into ourselves. And there may come a time when even a windblown leaf can shake us in real fear.

Have you passed through fears? Believers are no exception. They too pass through fears. The Bible has recorded their cries very realistically. So there is nothing to be ashamed when you have fears.

Usually they attack in battalions. One big fear is usually accompanied by a lot of little fears. But as far as believers are concerned the good news is that they have deliverance!

The deliverance comes by seeking God. Even though in the midst of fears it might seem that God is far away, pray with all your strength. For we have a sure motivation to pray. The motivation is that our God answers prayer.

We can be sure that God will answer our prayers regarding fear because fears are not caused by God. It always comes from Satan. The only time you need to be fearful of God is when you continue to sin and do not repent. All other fears are from the devil. And God, during many times in the Bible has called upon His children not to fear.

Therefore cheer up. Our God is a deliverer. He will deliver you from ALL your fears. Keep seeking the Lord. His presence with you shall drive ALL your fears away!

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