Teach Me to Do Your Will

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground (Psalm 143:10 NIV).

We all try our best to understand God’s will. Let us assume that we earnestly and constantly seek God’s will in matters that concern us most. But is that enough?

The above verse seems to tell us that something more is needed than just seeking God’s will. This is because the Psalmist here prays to God to teach him to do His will.

One area where this prayer applies to is our attempts to do God’s will based on good intentions. We often have our opinions about how some things need to be done. We also think that that particular way of action is indeed God’s will.

But the most important question is whether we asked God how that thing should be done? If we have not done so it is quite possible that we might be trying to accomplish God’s will in our own energy.

Just think for a moment. Don’t we often seek God’s will because it is the “right” thing in Christian life? But the Psalmist was seeking God’s will because he enjoyed an intimate relationship with God, saying: “you are my God.”

So, for him, it was the most natural thing in the world to get God’s mind on any matter before he would proceed. So he asked God to teach him to do His will.

He was not satisfied with the knowledge of God’s will. He wanted God to teach him HOW to accomplish that will.

Do we have this learning attitude? The Psalmist had it. The reason is also proclaimed here. He knew that if God would teach him how to do His will; the effect will be that the Spirit of God would lead him on level ground.

In our terms, it would mean that the Spirit of God would lead us in the BEST way possible if we ask God to teach us to do His will; a level ground where we stumble not.

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