As you have been an object of cursing among the nations, O Judah and Israel, so will I save you, and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong (Zechariah 8:13 NIV).
Are you mourning today? Is it because your life has turned into a curse? Are people ridiculing you because all your good attempts failed and yielded no returns? Because of this extremely painful situation have you lost courage?
Even if the answer is “Yes” to all these questions, do not lose heart. There is still hope for you. God says to you not to be afraid, but to be strong.
Think for a moment. What was the cause of your failure? Was it not disobedience to God in some form or the other. Disobedience leads a child of God to become a laughing stock before people. It even led the nations of Judah and Israel to become so.
Before God can change the curse in your life into a blessing, you must decide with all the strength you have to walk in obedience to God. Here, in obedience, the people of God began to work on rebuilding the temple of God that lay in ruins.
So it is now time to rebuild the temple of God in your heart. Such a rebuilding always has God’s approval and favor. He is saying to you to be strong and not be afraid. He is opening before you the amazing possibility of turning the curse on your life into a blessing. The way to it is the walk of obedience.
God Himself will give you the strength to obey. He Himself will reward you by making you into a blessing. This is a work God alone can do. No human effort can change an object of cursing into a blessing. So be assured that God is at work in you and you will soon be a blessing. He is doing it even now!
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