Sow for Yourselves Righteousness

Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you”(Hosea 10:12 NIV).

There is a description about the sins of Israel given in this passage. Yet in the midst of it there is a call to repentance. God is calling His children to sow righteousness in the place of wickedness. If they do so then they can reap good fruit instead of reaping evil.

It is the law of nature that you reap only what you sow. The Israelites had not sown righteousness and therefore had not reaped good. Through this passage God is asking us to sow good and righteous things. He promises us that we will reap the fruit of unfailing love if we do so. This is the lasting love of God that is ever full and never drained.

But how can you sow if the ground is not plowed? This question is answered next. You are asked to break up your unplowed ground. This is the most important step that you must take. The ground may be rough and tough. Yet with all your effort you shall plow it.

Every resisting piece of hard earth has to be broken and turned over. It should be broken so that the sown seed can sink into it. This breaking of your heart is right preparation for the sowing.

All this should be done because the time has come to seek the Lord. This cannot and should not be delayed. It is urgent. No more sowing of wickedness. No more reaping of evil. But only sowing of righteousness and reaping of God’s unfailing love.

At this right time when you do so, God shall send the showers which make the seed sprout and grow. God shall indeed rain righteousness on you!

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