Introduction to Pathways of Prayer


Prayer can never be fully understood this side of heaven. But even a child can pray. Beyond doubt, our God listens when we pray. He is a God who answers prayer. And the Bible records God’s miraculous answers to prayers.

There is no short cut to prayer or any substitute. To learn to pray, … Read the rest

If This Is Prayer, I Will Pray

God has given an invitation. Call to Me. This calling is prayer. It is an invitation. God is saying, welcome to have a friendship with Me.

It is by talking that friendship grows and lovers get to know each other. The Bible says, God so loved the world through His Son Jesus. So you are … Read the rest

Prayer Life of Jesus Christ

Jesus prayed! Even though He was the Son of God, Jesus prayed while He was on earth. This is amazing because it tells us of our deep need of prayer. If even the Son of God needed to pray, how much more do we stand in need of prayer!

The First Step

The beginning of … Read the rest