God is reminding you a simple principle today. You reap what you sow.
Why is this reminder important? It is important because many believers wonder about the reason why their life is not exhibiting growth in the Lord.
Okay. Wait a minute. Think. Did you sow anything in the last many years? What does that mean? Did you do something to build your relationship with God?
Now think about farming. For that is where sowing and reaping literally happens; isn’t it? What if a farmer totally neglects to take care of his field? There will be no harvest when it is time for gathering the crops. Moreover there will be weeds covering the entire ground. So this man sowed neglect and is deceived because there is no returns for work not done.
But what about somebody who sows. What he sows determines what kind of harvest he gets. You cannot mock God. That is you cannot quarrel with him when you get a bad harvest after you have sowed evil in your life.
So just like a farmer has to look after his field with constant care, cultivate good habits that will please God. It does not happen automatically. You have to discipline yourselves daily (Proverbs 8:34) spending quality time with God in reading and meditating on the Bible and prayer.
Those are habits that please God. There will be a sure return on this investment.
Take stock of your life now. List out those attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions that you sow to please your sinful nature. Trusting in God decide to put an end to those things. Put them all in a DON”Ts list.
On the other hand make a consistent effort to stay close to God. Think thoughts that are pleasing to the Spirit of God. You will then reap life. Not just eternal life in the world to come; but the life of God wil make its impact in your life here and now in your family, place of work and worship as well.
(Based on Galatians 6:7, 8).