So many believers are discouraged because their faithful service for God seems to go unnoticed.
At the same time they see many who served God along with them backslide and go astray. Yet again that is discouraging. When people close to you backslide you feel like giving up as well.
In the last chapter of Ezekiel, the LORD speaks about the distribution of land to the people who were restored to Palestine after the exile.
Here, God mentions the Zadokites in a very special way. They were to be given a special portion (48:9), and the sanctuary was to be in the centre of this portion (48:10b). It was to be a special gift, a sacred portion and a most holy portion (48:12).
Then God gives the reason why they are given this most preferred status: The Zadokites “were faithful in serving me and did not go astray as the Levites did when the Israelites went astray” (48:11).
Forget about what reward you are going to get. The point is that God does not forget your faithful service to him. So be encouraged.
It is the faithful service of unknown Sunday School teachers that has often paved the way for the salvation of great preachers of God. It is the faithful singing of many unknown people in the choirs that has led to the salvation and encouragement of many.
So do not look to the left or to the right. If your friends backslide that is between them and God. But you choose to remain faithful to God. Not only does he take note of your faithfulness but also commends you and rewards you as well (Matthew 25:21, 23).
The biggest challenge is the feeling that the position you hold and the little that you do are insignificant. Even if you play a very small role, your faithfulness can mean the gift of life to many. So stay strong and faithful to God in duties assigned you till the very end. Amen.