Rising Above Rejection

Rejection is painful in whatever form it comes. Our lives, in a very real sense, are therefore a constant struggle to be loved, accepted and understood.

The challenge however is, “Who will accept me as I am?” Often there are “conditions apply” tags attached when it comes to acceptance. “You change and be like this, then we will accept you,” seems to be the slogan of the moment. In an all-out attempt to gain acceptance, we try new make-up, new gadgets, new jobs, and even new relationships. Yet, do they satisfy the real need?

It is here we need to appreciate the real intent of Christmas. Jesus came to tell people to come to God as they are, in whatever condition they were at that point in time; even if they were like a currency note–torn, mutilated, soiled, marred, full of stains, dirty, or others having scripted nasty words on it. The message was and still is, “You just come to me as you are. It is I who’ll make you brand new.”

More than anything else, the life of Jesus demonstrated his acceptance of all kinds of people. Yet none of them who sought him left without hope or a new beginning in life. He not only accepted them as they were but also gave them the courage to leave their old and sinful ways behind. Thus each one of them were given a fresh start in life; no matter how stained, ugly and hopeless their past had been. For they were all touched by his love, changed by his transforming power, and truly made brand new.

When life grows tough, and rejections come in many forms, remember him who said, “Surely I am with you always,” and “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He who makes you brand new shall also give you courage to rise above rejections and live life to its fullest and best!