Life often throws unexpected twists and turns at us that might hurt us real bad. During such moments it is easy to complain, become bitter and depressed. Yet there is a better way.
It is to rely on God’s grace. We need to accept that certain things in life cannot be changed. But this acceptance is difficult. The case of St. Paul is noteworthy. He had a thorn in his flesh (we do not know what exactly it was). This mighty man of God who did great miracles in Jesus’ name and preached fearlessly prayed that this weakness might be removed. In fact, he pleaded with God thrice! But God’s reply was: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
So Paul had to learn to accept the thorn as part of his life. Yet there was a greater strength promised him. God’s grace. It is present with us in all crises of life. We can rely on it and draw from its inexhaustible supply. Like how twigs crackling in the fire or water rushing across rocky obstacles create music; God is able to create music and harmony out of our difficult situations in life. This is his grace ever available to us.
Often it is when we give up all hope that God’s grace is experienced the most. It is a humble acknowledgment from our part that God sits on his throne in heaven and all is under his sovereign control. Nothing comes to us without his knowing, and he walks with us when we walk through fire. There is no difficulty in our lives that he does not understand or care for. So let us be assured that his right hand holds us when we pass through extreme pressure; and that he will never leave us nor forsake us.
God’s grace is such that it can only be understood with experience. These experiences are never pleasant; for it is only in the fires of life that impurities in our hearts are removed; our pride humbled, and our self-righteousness (I am holier and better than you attitude) destroyed. But those very experiences are acts of God’s grace so that we learn not to trust in our abilities but in the strength of God.
Sometimes our mistakes in life are used by God to make us better persons-humble, meek, gentle, and submissive. Often when mistakes happen the first instinct is to give up on ourselves. But the grace of God gives us courage to admit our mistakes and move on in life. It takes hope in the fact that God’s compassions never fail, they are new every morning; great is God’s faithfulness (that is, he keeps his word).
Therefore let us be confident that in all situations in life the experience of God’s grace to us in Jesus Christ can be a reality.