Christmas is a time for renewal of hope. It is a season when God shall breathe life into your barren situations. It is a time to remember the miracle of birth and to hope that long-awaited answers to prayer will come; no matter all the negatives that stand threat to it. It is a time to stir up your faith and trust God for the gift of new life. For nothing is impossible with God.
He is majestic in holiness, awesome in glory and working wonders. There is no one like him; he is great and his name is mighty in power. Though exalted, he dwells with the lowly and humble; and the broken and contrite in heart. He who touches you touches the apple of his eye. Therefore do not be afraid for no weapon formed against you shall prevail. He will cut through bars of iron and gates of bronze that has barred your way forward. Doors will open for you and gates will not be shut. For nothing is impossible with God.
Long years of strained living because of lack shall give way. Though the lions may grow weak and hungry; those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing. God shall give you the treasures of darkness and riches stored in secret places. No more shall your purse have holes in it; but you will eat the fruit of your labour. God will remember your sacrifices and gifts and will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. For nothing is impossible with God.
When travelling to a new place not knowing who’ll help you; know that all has been prepared and made ready for you. You wonder how! God has gone there ahead of you. Not only the big things but the smallest care in your heart, you’ll find already met at your destination. You’ll find favour in the eyes of all; great and small alike and they’ll help you and rejoice with you in your success. For nothing is impossible with God.
When conflicts rage on the outside, when there is fear within, when the pressure seems beyond ability to endure and you almost feel the sentence of death, then God who comforts the downcast and strengthens the weak shall come to your rescue quickly and you’ll see and taste the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Therefore wait, take heart; be strong, for in its time God will do it swiftly. For nothing is impossible with God.
How often have you longed to unburden your heart; but found no one to trust. Yet there is a Friend who waits for you. The stains of your sins, the burden of your guilt, that shame of your youth; all shall be removed by his precious blood shed on the cross. Your heart will swell with joy and it’ll be guarded by the peace that is above all human understanding; the peace that comes from God. And you shall have a new and clean heart. For nothing is impossible with God.
Yes, nothing is impossible with God. Today, those words spoken to Mary the first Christmas will come true in your life as well.