10 Great Attitudes–Part V

#9. An Attitude of Expectation
There are two ways in which this can be understood. One is expectation for the present moment. The next is the expectation for the future. Both these expectations are expressed by St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians.

Let us look at the future expectation first.
Our expectation about the future will largely determine how we live in the present. So many believers lose their joy in life because they allow the worries of the present to cloud their vision of the future. Paul says, “Our citizenship is in heaven” (3:20). He says that we eagerly await a Saviour from there.

As we live our lives on earth; let us never lose sight of heaven. That is our final destination. And if we keep our eyes focused on Jesus who is coming back to judge the earth and reign for ever; our momentary troubles will not frighten us. We will plan our lives and redeem our time so as to welcome Jesus when he comes back.

Now let us look at expectation for the present.
Each one of us has so many needs. And needs pile up all the time. There are lessons which we can learn only when we are in need. Those are lessons that God wants us to learn; lessons of faith and trust in God and in his loving care and provision for our needs.

Paul asks us not to be anxious about anything (4:6). Instead he asks us to present our requests to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. We can boldly thank God in advance for meeting our needs because he is our loving heavenly Father who knows what we need before we ask him.

If he can feed the birds of the air all the time; it is not a big task to meet our needs! So when we pray with thanksgiving, the peace of God which human minds cannot understand will surround us and keep our hearts calm.

Next Paul commends the Philippian Church for providing for his needs time and again. We need to realize that God often uses human channels to meet our needs; even though he is the source of all blessings. Now Paul tells the Philippian Church that God in return for the gifts they gave will meet all their needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus (4:19). It is an unlimited promise; and it is meant to all who give liberally and even out of their poverty.

So to have an expectant attitude that God will meet all our needs; it is important that we learn to give and meet the needs of others. Then you can have the expectation that God will do all that he has promised in Philippians 4:19. Be glad that the promise is unlimited and tested to be true!

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