In the Nick of Time

How much should each one of us be grateful for God’s timely help in times of crisis! Without such help from God how easily most of us would perish! Oh, yes He is the same unchanging God (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8) and He still comes to the aid of His children when the enemy seems to have won.

Not only does He enable us to escape like a bird out of the hunter’s trap (Psalm 124:6), but also He makes us more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). That means we are made to benefit from what had seemed to destroy us. More than all this He is our Shepherd-God who prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies (Psalm 23:5). Hallelujah! He will act for you when all hope of help is gone. His timing will be right even when we panic that the arrival of help is delayed.

David, though anointed to be king over Israel at a very young age, was constantly fleeing from King Saul for his life. The pursuit was so hot that David lamented once, “there is only a step between me and death” (1 Samuel 20:3). And there came a time when Saul was about to hunt down David. Saul and his forces had closed in on David and his men by the side of a mountain and was about to capture them. But at that very moment a messenger came to Saul saying, “Come quickly! The Philistines are raiding the land.” Then Saul broke off his pursuit of David and went to meet the Philistines. And that place was named Sela Hammahlekoth meaning Rock of Parting (1 Samuel 23:28).

Dear child of God, are you in a tight spot today because you’re pursued by the enemy. Look to your Helper (Psalm 121:1, 2) and help will come unexpectedly. What seemed to overwhelm you will pass by without causing you harm. Because your God sleeps not (Psalm 121:3, 4), He watches over your life every moment. Has He promised to place you in a position of leadership to take care of His flock? That purpose will stand no matter who or what is pursuing you to take your life. He will intervene at the right moment.

So also it was with Mordecai. Wicked Haman had planned to go and ask the king to have Mordecai hanged. But that very night the king could not sleep (Esther 6:1). And the records of his reign were brought before him and read to him. And he understood that Mordecai had saved his life some time ago. Then the king asked what recognition and honour Mordecai got for his kind act? While the king was asking this question; at that exact time Haman entered the court to ask to have Mordecai hanged. But God who caused the king to lose his sleep also caused Haman to lead Mordecai through the streets of the city shouting, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honour!” (Esther 6:11).

So perhaps for you. When the enemy is almost ready to drown you, then comes God’s help. Till that moment God waits even though we might panic. His delay is to ensure that we know the source of our help, that is, God Himself. His timing for our deliverance makes it more glorious. So praise God for the Sela Hammahlekoths of your life.