When God called Moses He appeared to him in flames of fire from within a burning bush. That was God’s attention-grabber. When Moses saw that the bush was not burned up though it was on fire he went to investigate. When God saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him (Ref. Exodus 3:1–4).
So it is important to give attention when God puts up attention-grabbers on your way.
Saul, on the road to Damascus was thrown to the ground when a light from heaven flashed around him. That was God’s attention-grabber. And then he heard a voice. God was calling to him to give attention to what He was saying (Acts 9).
The Prophet Jonah was running away from the Lord. First came a storm. That was the first attention-grabber that God sent Jonah’s way. Then when he was thrown into the sea, he was swallowed by a great fish. That was God’s second attention-grabber. When Jonah gave attention to God, from inside the fish Jonah prayed. And the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time (Ref. Book of Jonah)
Sometimes, especially when you are discouraged, God shows unusual grace when He speaks to you. A good example is what happened to Elijah. He, after a great show of mighty faith, was running for his life. God asked him to go out and stand on the mountain. Then there was a wind, an earthquake and a fire. The Bible records that God was not in the wind, nor the earthquake, nor in the fire!
But then God spoke to him in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12)!
So God’s attention-grabbers become a pathway leading to His gracious dealing with you, especially when you are discouraged. Even now He is speaking to you in a gentle whisper.
He says: “I no longer call you servants . . . Instead, I have called you friends” (John 15:15 NIV)!
So watch out for God’s attention-grabbers. He is waiting to speak to you.