God loves a pure heart. But it is impossible to have one by your own effort. Even then you are encouraged to pray, “Create in me a pure heart, O God!” This prayer will surely be answered. But the answer won’t come in a gift wrap. Instead it comes through battling in prayer. You need to hold on to God like Jacob did when he wrestled with God, alone in the night. Tell God, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” Then God will change your destiny. And your life will be spared from ruin.
The next thing you need to do is to take stock of your life. And leave your past behind. Like Paul you will have to say, “Forgetting those things which are behind and straining toward what is ahead . . .” This is because God commands you to “forget the former things.” He commands you not to dwell on the past. Instead He wants you to focus on the new thing that He is going to do in your life. As you do so it is the right time to pray as Moses taught in the Psalm: “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Know that life is short and there is no time to waste by dwelling on your past.
When you are thus ready it is time to ask God like Paul did, “What shall I do, Lord?” He will show you what to do. In other words, you need a dream. If you look at Joseph’s life, it was entirely shaped by the dream. But there is a difference here with the way the world dreams of success. For God puts a dream in a heart to save others and bless others. He gives His wisdom and strength to His servants to carry out His plans even as they lean on Him in prayer. But the world places importance on one’s own self. Succeeding in a worldly way will not give you joy; and can bring misery along with it. But the Book of Proverbs tells us that “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it.”
God can bless you only when you obey God and utilize your time and resources well. In the Bible you won’t find God calling any lazy person to do His work. Instead, God’s call always came to those who were busily engaged in their work. You are called to look at the ant and consider its ways and be wise. It is a diligent creature busy with its work when the opportunities exist. You also need to consider your priorities. Do you seek God’s kingdom first? Do not be busy with your own business while you allow God’s work to fall into ruins. And don’t forget to manage your resources wisely.
And learn to love. The Christian world has long forgotten that love is God’s greatest command to men. You are called “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” The curse of this world is Christians who are puffed up with pride because of their spiritual gifts. But one who was gifted much above any of them wrote: Without love I am nothing! So seek not to be great in spiritual gifts; but seek to be great in humility; for this was the attitude of Jesus Christ when He gave up His glory in heaven to become like a servant on earth. He still walks with the humble and those broken and contrite in heart.
In the light of God’s love towards you and in the light of His soon appearing again, prepare for war–against all ungodliness within your heart. Guard your heart against all evil. Always engage your minds with thoughts about God. He is holy! It is only when your heart has room for God will you be able to be your best for God. Then you shall be a blessing.